Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friday Fill Ins #2

1. When I'm sick I'm surprisingly calm.

2. When I take a walk, I think about whether I'm walking too slow.

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can buy you stuff that makes you happy.

4. Cotton makes me comfy and leather makes me feel like a rock star.

5. My favorite color these days is red because I'm apparently part-Chinese now =).

6. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to trying out the 3 pairs of shoes I bought with my dresses, tomorrow my plans include packing the stuff I'll need for Sunday, having a haircut, mani/pedi and shopping for a shawl and browsing at Tango, Glorietta and Sunday, I want to have fun at Toto's wedding with my new family and my parents!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

9 Layers

A meme to peel aways the layers of you.

-- Name: Celieto E. Tolentino-King
-- Birth date: October 29, 1981
-- Birthplace: Manila
-- Current Location: Makati

-- Eye Color: Dark Brown
-- Hair Color: Dark Brown
-- Height: 5’
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Scorpion

-- Your heritage: Filipino, Spanish
-- The shoes you wore today: Black pumps
-- Your weakness: Chocolate =)
-- Your fears: death in the family
-- Your perfect pizza: depends on my mood, but Amici’s Quattro Formaggi comes pretty close
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Set up my own business

-- Your most overused phrase on IM: yay!
-- Your first waking thoughts: “what time is it?”
-- Your best physical feature: eyes
-- Your most missed memory: summers at my mamay’s house

-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke regular (I hate Light and Zero)
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
-- Single or group dates: single dates
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino

-- Smoke: No
-- Cuss: sometimes
-- Sing: often
-- Take a shower everyday: twice or thrice sometimes
-- Do you think you've been in love: of course
-- Want to go to college: been there
-- Liked high school: yes
-- Want to get married: already am
-- Believe in yourself: you betcha
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes
-- Think you're attractive: yes
-- Think you're a health freak: nope
-- Get along with your parent(s): marvelously
-- Like thunderstorms: as long as I’m at home
-- Play an instrument: guitar

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: no
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a drug: does mefenamic acid count? =)
-- Made Out: yes, but I’m married so that’s not shocking
-- Gone on a date: please see above =)
-- Gone to the mall?: yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: nope
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no, maybe next week
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen Anything: no

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Been caught "doing something": ha ha! no
-- Been called a tease: no
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: no
-- Changed who you were to fit in: hell no

-- Age you hope to be married: 30. there was a slight acceleration in plans
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 3 or 4 maybe. All I know is that I want my daughters to have boy nicknames (Alex, Sam, Bobby, Chuck maybe) and probably Elijah for the boy. Mon and I were joking before that our kids will be named Burger and Tapa
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: already had it. Not a single bead on my wedding dress (yay!), no frilly dresses for the bridesmaids (I chose something they could actually wear to some other occasion), no pigeons during the reception
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college: went there already PLM. (Pamantasan ng Lahing Magaganda/Matatalino…)
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: grown up but still child-like. I think I’m doing pretty good so far.
-- What country would you most like to visit: England & Ireland.

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: luckily for me, quite a lot
-- Number of CDs that I own: a gazillion, seriously
-- Number of piercings: 2. both ears
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: at least 3
-- Number of scars on my body: a few maybe, the biggest of which is from my appendectomy
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 1.5

Countdown Meme

Ten movies you’d watch over and over:

1. Much Ado About Nothing

2. Back to the Future

3. An Affair to Remember

4. The Sound of Music

5. Singing in the Rain

6. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

7. The Usual Suspects

8. Dogma

9. High Fidelity

10. The Godfather

Nine people you enjoy the company of:

1. Mon

2. Maychang

3. Ace

4. Alvin

5. Dave

6. Aweng

7. Abbiechuchi

8. Beck

9. Ms. Mels

10. Pakner

Eight things you’re wearing:

1. Blue floral kimono top

2. Black slacks

3. Blue-gray cardigan

4. Black shoes

5. Pearl earrings

6. Pearl necklace

7. Black scrunchie

8. Wedding ring

Seven things on your mind:

1. I really need to rearrange my closet

2. I wonder where we should have dinner

3. I’m almost out of chocolate bars

4. Where’s my “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” DVD?

5. Is it 4:30 yet?

6. Must buy sampaloc candies next time I’m at Grace’s

7. I should have a haircut next week

8. Must buy shoes for Toto’s wedding

Six objects you touch every day:

1. HTC phone

2. Wallet

3. Polar Bear

4. Toner

5. Eye cream

6. Moisturizer

Five things you do everyday:

1. shower

2. eat something I really like

3. play with Furball

4. empty my SMS inbox/sent folder

5. check Multiply

Four bands or musical artists you couldn’t live without:

1. U2

2. The Beatles

3. Frank Sinatra

4. Michael Buble

Three of your favorite songs of the moment:

1. Better That We Break – Maroon 5

2. Does Your Mother Know? – ABBA

3. Fashionista – Jimmy James

Two people who have influenced your life the most:

1. My Tatay – who taught me how to walk properly when I was 3, got me into picking my own clothes when I was 5 and gave me his vintage Ray-Bans when I was 13

2. My Mommy – who’s the strongest person I know and taught me to be myself no matter what other people say and not give a crap as long as I know I’m not doing anything wrong

One person who has been nice to you today:

1. Mon – who drove me to work

Friday 5 #2

  1. What browser do you use and why do you like it? Mozilla Firefox, to me it's faster, more user-friendly, keeps out more unnecessary programs and pop-ups, and it has plug-ins.
  2. Some people let it all hang out on their blog, while others keep it light, and still others fall somewhere in between. Where does your blog fall in that? My blog falls somewhere in between. I don't really divulge a lot of details.
  3. A lot of people have themed blogs like a fashion blog or a crafty blog or one just for memes. What about yours? Do you maintain more than one blog? I have a Friendster blog (that I no longer update anymore), a Live Journal and Blogger account (which I update simultaneously with my Multiply blog), and a new blog at Petite Fashionista that I'm still gearing up to populate with outfit posts and other fashion related items.
  4. There are forums to chat on about just about everything under the sun. Do you belong to any and what are your favorites? I have a bunch of forums that I'm a member of, but the most recent is PF.
  5. Shopping time! What are your 5 favorite sites to shop at?
    1. ebay - because you can find just about anything in there
    2. ycon's multiply site - for shoes
    3. smartdresser's multiply site - for office wear
    4. miren's multiply site - for baked goodies
    5. karen & karen -for bags
i also look at a bunch of other sites (plueys, unarosa, peppered cherry) for what they have to offer and then i go to their shops to check out their goods first hand.

Friday 5 #1

  1. Of television programs that aired before you were born, what’s your favorite? Mork and Mindy
  2. What person of historical significance was from your neighborhood or city? Andres Bonifacio
  3. What’s a story that’s often been told about someone in your family in the years before you came along? My great grandfather going to school as a grade 1 student and being transferred to grade 2 after recess. He finished grade six by the end of the school year, eventhough he came in halfway through the current year already.That's actually a true story. My great grandfather was already a widower when he went to a traditional school because he was home schooled. So when he went to work as the assistant to the town mayor, he was asked to go to school so he could get a "formal diploma".
  4. Which of previous generations’ dumb mistakes (in deed or thought) baffles you the most? I'm assuming that the question is more in general terms like - all the people who thought that automobiles will never replace horse-driven carriages were really dumb. However, for something a bit closer to home: the same great grandfather above, allegedly either gambled away or gave away the family fortune to charity, leaving his children with no choice but to walk barefoot to school. Purportedly, my grandmother's family used to own most of the town of Lobo in Batangas and Verde Island.
  5. What aspect of life in the good old days would you love to see a return to? Having an allowance? =)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A, B, C, D, E, F . . .

A - Age: 26
B - Band listening to right now: ABBA
C - Career future: to be determined
D - Dad's name: Lito
E - Easiest person to talk to: Mon
F - Favorite song: a bunch, but Running to Stand Still by U2 comes to mind as one of those on top of my list
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: worms
H - Hometown: Manila
I - Instruments: guitar
J - Job: Financial analyst
K - Kids: soon, maybe
L - Longest car ride ever: own car? 3 hours maybe
M - Mom's name: Cely
N - Number of people you have on your Multiply contact list: 40+?
P - Phobia[s]: snakes
Q - Quote: I used to be indecisive, now I’m not so sure
R - Reason to smile: no work on Monday (ulit)!
S - Song you sang last: The Name of the Game
T - Time you wake up: 5am
U - Unknown fact about me: I’m actually quite girly
V - Vegetable you hate: okra
W - Worst habit: procrastination
X - X-rays you've had: countless
Y - Yummy food: chocolates
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness #2

Five answers for each question.
Feel free to explain any answers you give. No need to limit yourself to one worded responses. Unless you want to then that is fine too. :)

Five things you always have in your refrigerator:
1.) Water
2.) Cheese
3.) Butter
4.) Ketchup
5.) Chocolate

Five actresses/actors that you think are over-rated:
1.) Nicolas Cage
2.) Gwyneth Paltrow
3.) John Travolta
4.) Keanu Reeves
5.) Tom Cruise

Five things around the house that you hate doing:
1.) Dusting
2.) Washing dishes
3.) Taking out the garbage
4.) Cleaning the floors
5.) Laundry & Ironing

Five of your favorite movies:
1.) Much Ado About Nothing
2.) Back to the Future
3.) An Affair to Remember
4.) Singing in the Rain
5.) The Usual Suspects

Five businesses/stores you would love to win a P2,000 gift card to:
1.) Lush
2.) The Face Shop
3.) Rustan's
4.) Tango
5.) Artwork

Wednesday Weirdness #1

1. Is there anything hanging from your vehicle's rear view mirror? - No

2. When you go into the bathroom, do you ever check behind the shower curtain? You know, to make sure no one is miraculously hiding back there. - Well we have shower enclosures at home. However, if I'm at someone else's house or a hotel with shower, yes I do check. I think it's because I've watched Psycho one time too many...

3. At what age did your mom or dad give you "the talk" about sex? They didn't

If you could add anything at all to an airplane to make trips more interesting, what would it be and why? Individual tv/mp3 players or video game console.

5. What is one thing you and your significant other can never seem to agree on? Nothing comes to mind.

6. Have you ever walked in on someone else having sex? How did you and the people involved react? No, thankfully.

Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What is one topic that can put you to sleep quicker than any other? Religion

20 Questions

Twenty Questions again! And it's all about you.

1. When you buy a greetings card are the words or the picture more important to you? words
2. What's your favourite kind of cake? chocolate
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them? Buy, have no time to make them
4. What's your favourite holiday? Christmas
5. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where? Yes, not sure where yet.
6. What was the best party you've ever been to? My wedding
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like? Fun and stress-free
8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you? I got married on Christmas Day
9. What's your favourite romantic song? Lintik =)
10. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with? Bono
11. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful? Angelina Jolie
12. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive? Colin Firth
13. If you could be a fictional character from a book who would you choose? Betsy from the Undead series
14. If you could be in a television sit-com, which would you choose? The Big Bang Theory
15. Which character would you like to be? Charlotte York-Goldenblatt. I love her clothes
16. What's your favourite girl's name? Alessandra
17. What's your favourite boy's name? Elijah
18. What's your supermarket of choice? Rustan’s, if only because they carry Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans. (yes, the one from the Harry Potter series.)
19. What is your best character trait? Non-conformist
20. What is your worst habit? Procrastination

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Whole Bunch of Answers

A buncha questions (150) for you to answer.

1. Do you like having your picture taken. Not really
2. Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non? yes
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? Backpacking through Europe
4. Who would you take with you on this adventure? Mon

5. What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime? Allow your heart to make decisions instead of your head
6. Would you ever do that? On occasion =)
7. Have you ever done crossword puzzles? yes
8. Ever actually completed one? yes
9. Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it. “Each employee at Ben & Jerry’s headquarters gets three pints of free ice cream a day.”
10. Do the same with either a CD or a lyric from the radio. “Honey, Honey how you thrill me”
11. Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams? All the time
12. Would you put up posters in your room? Only if they’re U2 posters
13. Can you sing? Well enough
14. Do you ever sing to yourself while doing every day tasks? yes
15. What's your favorite color of post-it note? yellow
16. How many cassette tapes do you own? Probably around 50
17. How many CDs do you own? A gazillion
18. Ever bought a CD just for one song? yes
19. What would your perfect day consist of? A rainy day at home. French toast, bacon and fresh coffee for breakfast,
a filling lunch and an early dinner. Some online shopping and surfing. A movie marathon in bed with lots of chocolates and chips
20. Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone online? yes
21. Have you ever written a survey? yes
22. How about a song? If so, share it. nope
23. Or maybe a poem? If so share it or one of them. A bunch of poems, but my favorite would have to be one called “On the Outside Looking In”
24. Is your VCR flashing 12:00 all the time? No VCR
25. Do you read your horoscope? sometimes
26. If so do you base your day on it? nope
27. Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash, and why? Mouthwash. Nakakangawit ngumuya ng gum
28. Do you floss? yes
29. Are you addicted to Napster like me? no
30. How many times a year (about) are you sick? About a month out of the whole year
31. Ever been in an airplane? Yes
32. If so, where were you flying to? Boracay
33. What radio station do you listen to most? I don’t listen to the radio. I don’t really like the DJs or the commercials
34. What color are your shoes? Right now? black
35. Was Fuzzy Wuzzy a bear? I have no idea
36. Do you know how to play Dominos? yes
37. Or do you think I just mean pizza by that? I don’t really like Domino’s pizza
38. Speaking of pizza, what's your favorite kind? 4-cheese and bbq bacon ribs
39. What color are your eyes? Dark brown
40. How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime? Too many to count
41. Describe your bedroom. Include all details. King size bed with matching side tables, 32-inch flat screen tv, 2 dvd players, 5 speakers + a sub-woofer, 2 fans, one wall with floor to ceiling windows, one wall with normal windows, one entire wall of closet space, own bathroom, and a bunch of bags, shoes, books, dvds and various knick knacks lying around
42. Name one person your life is made better by. Mon
43. Would you or have you ever shaved your head? no
44. How about someone else's? no
45. Can you do math with ease? yes
46. What size is your computer screen? 17”
47. If you could only talk to one person online who would it be? Maychang
48. Name your favorite type of music and why? Rock, because there’s a whole other subgenre under it
49. Are you a vegetarian? Far from it
50. How about an aspiring actor/actress? no
51. What famous person, dead or alive, would you interview if you had the chance? Bono
52. Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors? Much Ado About Nothing and Back to the Future
53. Name one of your passions in life. writing
54. What is your least favorite time of day? 3PM
55. Who is your favorite member in a band (singer, guitar, bass, drummer...) and why? Bono, because he’s very good
56. Do you use hairspray or gel? neither
57. Describe your favorite meal. Meat-based
58. What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes? Orange
59. Ever listen to classical music? Yes
60. Have you ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it? no
61. Do you find you use Internet language when writing notes IRL? Not really
62. What songs would be on your ideal CD? Some U2, some Sinatra, some other songs I like that are not really well known
63. Say one thing you learned today. Abdicate (verb) – to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach
64. What is the best present you've ever given someone else? A care package for a friend
65. What is the best present someone else has ever given you? The latest would be 2 dresses from Tiendesitas that Mon bought me last week
66. So hey, what's your full name? Celieto Espino Tolentino-King
67. Describe yourself while drunk. I've never gotten drunk.
68. How big are the windows in your house? Well we have floor to ceiling windows here at the farm
69. Do you wear a watch? Not lately
70. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done with someone else? I refuse to answer the question for fear of incriminating myself…
71. What's the largest age difference between you and someone you've dated? 7 years
72. How many mirrors do you have? one
73. Write one sentence you want people to say about you once you've passed on. I’ll miss her
74. Have you ever sailed? no
75. How fast can you run? Not very fast
76. What do you believe in? myself
77. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? Anything from 5 minutes to an hour
78. Do you shower daily? yes
79. What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so? I’d rather have me as my own boss
80. Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it. Knowing what other people think. I’d use it to my advantage *insert evil laugh here*
81. Are candles romantic or a fire hazard? Fire hazard
82. Name something you've done in the last 24 hours, no matter how big or small. Paid via Gcash for something I bought online
83. Do you wear necklaces/bracelets/anklets/earrings/rings? Depends on my mood
84. What colors are you wearing right now? Blue and black
85. How often do you change the sheets on your bed? About once a month
86. Have you ever gotten lost? If so, explain. Yes, hasn’t everybody?
87. What's on your computer desk? Lots of paper
88. How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment? Just 3. I hate a cluttered desktop
89. When you're talking do you ever use your hands in the air to do quotation marks of certain words? yes
90. Which landmark would you climb if you could? Not interested in climbing. Too much effort.
91. Do you own or have you read or thought of reading any self help books. I don’t believe in self help books.
92. Ever seriously questioned your sanity? Yes.
93. Can you break-dance? No
94. What's in your fridge right now? Which fridge? We’ve got 3 plus a freezer
95. How many people do you live with? Just Mon
96. Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area? Probably not
97. What is the strangest thing you've ever done? Buy a tv and a dvd on impulse
98. Name an instrument you've never played but would like to. piano
99. Have you ever been on TV or the radio? yes
100. What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you? Lie to me
101. Are you a fast typer? yes
102. How high have you counted before getting bored? 10
103. Describe how you sleep. On my side
104. Are you straight/bi/gay? Straight(ish) =)
105. Do you ever do something else while on the computer? If so, what? eat
106. What is the most expensive item you own? Buster, our car
107. How about the least expensive? A bunch of stuff I got for free
108. What's your favorite card game to play? Tong-its. =)
109. What do you do online? Read perezhilton and gfy, blog
110. Name some stores you've bought clothes in before? Peppered Cherry, Unarosa, Tango
111. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so, which one? I don’t think so
112. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so, which one? Nothing comes to mind
113. Do you think people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs? yes
114. Are you easily influenced by other people or current trends? nope
115. What makes you unique (in your own opinion)? I don’t care much what other people think
116. Name your worst quality. I’m very impatient
117. Name your best. I love to learn new stuff
118. What would you like to do with your life? Live it on my own terms
119. Do you blow-dry your hair? Not often
120. How many clocks are in your house? At least four
121. Are they all set at the same time? nope
122. Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the correct time? Nope, but Mon does
123. What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning? “What time is it?”
124. Which browser do you use? Mozilla firefox
125. Do you bite your nails? no
126. Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf? yes
127. Ever been to a farm? I live on a farm
128. Tell me about your dream last night. Don’t remember. I rarely remember my dreams
129. Ever seen a shooting star? Yes
130. Say one thing about yourself you've never told anyone. I might have more shoes than I need.
131. Do your days fly by or seem to last forever? Depends on whether it’s a weekday or a weekend
132. Have you ever stayed in a fancy, high class, rich hotel? yes
133. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? no
134. What, in your opinion, is the best advertising slogan out there? Just do it
135. When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civillians will you be on the list to go? No. too risky.
136. How are you feeling right now? Pretty good
137. Have you ever written anything on your skin? no
138. If so what? n/a
139. Which website do you frequent most often? multiply
140. What color is most of your clothes? Well, it used to be black and blue, now it’s red and pink
141. Do you own any plants? no
142. Are things as bad as they seem? Sometimes they’re worse
143. Describe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. Stick up for me.
144. Have you ever looked directly at the sun? no
145. Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse? no
146. What's your favorite cereal? Koko Krunch
147. Who do you miss? My friends who are now living abroad
148. Name something you just cannot forget, no matter how hard you try. My grandfather dying
149. Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal. I don’t really get into fights.
150. Say something else about yourself you've never told anyone before. I can't stand the volume for the tv/radio/dvd player to be on odd numbers, unless they're multiples of 5. It's a quirk.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday Fill Ins #1

1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was Inihaw na Liempo and Sinigang na Baboy at Dencio's.

2. Bigotry is something I intensely dislike.

3. The full moon doesn't seem to make me crazier than my usual crazy self.

4. "anak ng menggoy..." is one of my favorite local expressions.

5. Sometimes it's best to fake it till you make it.

6. "The Dark Knight" is the best movie I've seen so far this year!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to the Rockwell Urban Bazaar, tomorrow my plans include a movie marathon with my husband and Sunday, I want to sleep really late since there's no work on Monday!